NMD Nexus Medodent IPR Gauge

NMD Nexus Medodent IPR Gauge

Special Price Rs.504.00 Regular Price Rs.1,008.00


1.Made of Stainless Steel,

2.can be sterilized in a steam autoclave, dry heat autoclave, or in chemical cold sterile

3.IPR is one of the techniques that may be used during orthodontic treatment to provide extra intra-arch space in patients with mild to moderate crowding and when extraction therapy is undesirable.

4.IPR  include decreased treatment time and prevention of interdental gingival retraction.

5.It is also a means to acquire additional space to create ideal tooth alignment.

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1.Interproximal enamel stripping has become an effective orthodontic treatment approach to regain space, improve tooth and gum aesthetics as well as maintain post-treatment stability.
2.orthodontists should choose appropriate indications by balancing between its benefits and risks.
3.IPR possesses unique advantages in facilitating better treatment outcome in a more conservative and physiological way without harming dental or periodontal tissue.

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